Fermanagh & Tyrone Floating Support is a service for adults with a diagnosis of Dementia.
We support individuals in the following categories
· Older People 65+
· Experiencing or recovering from mental ill health.
· With memory difficulties or are in process of seeking a diagnosis of Dementia
· With a diagnosis of Dementia
· Applications are welcome for adults aged 55+ with who have received a diagnosis of Dementia or in the process of receiving a diagnosis
- Older person 65+ with complex needs – Frail Elderly
The person should be able to show a residency history in the Fermanagh or Tyrone Area. We currently do not cover Belleek area (Fermanagh) or outside Newtownstewart (Tyrone)
We provide short-term Floating Support services delivered to individuals in their homes to maximise independence with housing-related support.
Floating Support is a short-term funded service, meaning people may receive support from a few weeks up to a maximum of two years.
We provide practical and emotional support to help develop daily living skills, improve health and well-being, increase personal resilience and maintain independence.
This service is funded by Supporting People.
Referral routes:
We accept referrals from a variety of sources and will accept self referrals in addition to referrals from Statutory Keyworkers and Medical professionals.
Contact us for more information:
Tel: +44 28 6772 2778
Contact: Siobhan Wilson
Dementia Carer Coordinator Tracy Smyth
+44 (0) 78 115 85823