b'Developing Self & Others AwardSharon Foster (Learning & Development)Praxis Care Staff Suttawan Humphries (Cliftonville Road)Conor McAleer (Finance)Award Winners 2022Sharon Foster (L&D)Along with the rest of the Level 5 tutors Sharon has been an incredible support thoughout the level 5 training, making it as easy for the cohort as possible, even if that meant more work for her. Sharons approach to running this course over lockdown has enabled the cohort to continue meeting the needs of the scheme. Her ability to develop others is balancedSuttawan Humphries (Cliftonville Road)with an expert knowledge of theSuttawan returned from maternity leave theoretical and a value base which(after having a baby in the middle of helps to provide practical examples andCOVID) and worked extremely closely wisdom of how to apply this all intowith Sharon Foster and NISCC to practice. complete tasks to get her social work Conor McAleer (Finance) degree, which she originally obtained in Conors ability to problem solve enablesher home country of Thailand, the team to find new ways of working.recognised here. Suttawan completed He has an ability to explain complicatedthis in 8 short months, whilst also raising finance procedures in a way that people2 young boys and working full time as a with no finance background cansupport worker. Suttawan is an absolute understand. He undertakes even thecredit to herself and her family. She most arduous tasks with an enthusiastic,continues to bring positive changes to straight-forward approach. the lives of those we support, promoting He continues to develop his skills as atheir independence and skills, helping manager. Conor has a goodthem develop themselves without understanding of people and an abilityexpecting any recognition.to adapt to how different people learn.61'